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We love sharing the stories and experiences of our supporters with the world. Tell us how you have shared Red Glasses or been inspired to pass on some big love. Just fill out the form below and we will let you know how your story can be used to inspire others to join the Red Glasses Movement.
Grand Rapids Children’s Museum shows BIG love!
We are big fans of the Red Glasses Movement at the Grand Rapids Children’s Museum. Every spring, we host an amazing event at the museum called Friends Just Like Me in memory of Audrey Jandernoa & in support of the Red Glasses Movement. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, the museum has been closed for a year and counting. We shared the story of the Red Glasses Movement with the GRCM Board of Directors in our March 2021 board meeting via Zoom, and everyone put on their red glasses to show their support. In honor of World Down Syndrome Day, we spread the message “Live Boldly, Love Big, Pass it on,” to all our friends in the community via all of our social media platforms.
-Megan Geiken, GRCM