Become a part of the movement.

If you believe in living boldly and loving big, there are many different ways you can show your support.  You can purchase Red Glasses, share your story with us, or help us share our message with the world. For every pair of glasses you buy, a pair will be shared with a friend in need.

Get Involved 21

Become An RGMbassador

As you learn about our organization, you might want to share our message with your family, school, club, team, church, or another community group. You can become an ambassador for our movement and encourage those around you to live with love by clicking below.

Learn More

Get Involved 1

Our Pass It Along Promise

If you want a reminder to live boldly and with love each and every day, you can purchase your pair of Red Glasses by clicking below. We appreciate your support and hope this little piece of Audrey will encourage you to live the fullest life possible. We will keep our Pass It Along Promise and for every pair of glasses purchased, we will share a pair of glasses with someone in need of a brighter day. Read more about our Pass It Along Promise Program, here.


Little Pin. BIG Love.

Has someone inspired you? Have you caught a neighbor being nice or someone showing all kinds of LOVE?!? Have you noticed a co-worker living boldly? Are they working their tail off to reach a goal or are they stepping out of their comfort zone and trying something new? This is what the Red Glasses Movement is all about. Get that person a Red Glasses pin. Tell them Audrey’s story and how they have inspired or touched you, and Red Glasses PIN THEM already!

Red Glasses Pin

Get Involved 19

Share Glasses With Others

A huge part of the Red Glasses Movement is spreading love and goodwill to those around you. If you’d like to share our mission with someone out in the world who might need a helping hand, you can purchase glasses for a stranger here. There are many schools and kids’ sports teams that are eager to share the message to live boldly, love big, and pass it on. With your generosity, the message will continue to spread to students and student-athletes.

Spread the Love. Donate Glasses.


Get Involved 20

Share Your Story

We’ve told our story. Now, we’d like to hear yours. Whether you were affected by Audrey directly or have benefited from her example through the Red Glasses Movement, we would love to hear your personal experience and share it with the world.

Learn More

Have Questions?

If you’re interested in the Red Glasses Movement and would like to know more, feel free to reach out to us. You can fill out the form on this page, and we will get back to you.

Join Waitlist We will inform you when the product arrives in stock. Please leave your valid email address below.