Our Story.
The Red Glasses Movement was started in honor of a very special 5-year old girl, Audrey Jandernoa, who passed away in 2018. Audrey was born with Down syndrome and a congenital heart defect, but these were not things that defined her.
Audrey was defined by her bright Red Glasses, her contagious smile, and her lack of inhibitions. She went through life like a little bulldozer, pushing her way through every door possible to achieve her goals again and again. She had a way of loving indiscriminately and without restrictions. She was a shining example of love, kindness, and courage in this world.
The Red Glasses Movement is Audrey’s living legacy. We’re glad we get to share it with you.

Our Mission.
Everywhere Audrey went, you could see her wearing her signature Red Glasses. Our mission is to put a pair on every face in the world so that everyone can see through Audrey’s eyes. Simply put… we want to inspire the world to live boldly, love big, and pass it on.
Audrey knew her purpose. We want to encourage you to go find yours. And when you do…proudly show it to others. Let our Red Glasses remind you to act on your passion and pursue your goals no matter how big or small.
We have shared thousands of Red Glasses all over the country, and that number continues to grow. We hope you’ll join us in our cause and spread our mission to those in your community.

Have Questions?
If you’re interested in the Red Glasses Movement and would like to know more, feel free to reach out to us. You can fill out the form on this page, or call or email us using the information below.