
We have nothing but love for all the faithful RGM followers and ambassadors that have been opening up their hearts to the mission of live boldly, love big, pass it on. We have hit some amazing milestones thanks to you! We have distributed over 6000 glasses, presented to 1500 sets of willing ears, and gained many loving followers on social media. You have shown us the true power of a simple pair of Red Glasses and some darn good intentions.

And to you new people out there, we appreciate believing in a mission that is founded on a 5 year old girl’s way of life. Clearly, she is continuing to be her pushy self and is leading us all down a road to love wilder and live deeper.

I hope to continue to share stories of RGM success but also some good old fashioned inspirational stories from you and your Red Glasses.  And if my heart allows, some stories from Audrey’s life and how she and her brother and sister have brought us headaches, heartaches, and lots of laughs:)

I would like to recognize the people that put all these pages, plug ins, and photos together to make so darn perfect:)

This website was created by the generous hands and smart brains of MINDSCAPE. Thank you Pete, Emily, Laurel, Taylor, Andrea, and Conner for believing in the idea of RGM.

To my friend, co-founder, and partner in crime, Meredith Maczka, thank you for your hours of time and talent and unending good ideas to create this movement and make it the love letter to Audrey that it is.

Also, would like to give a big shout out to Katie Morrow of Kate Morrow Photography for all the stunning photos and your unwavering support of Red Glasses Movement.

To the people of Blackberry, you’re beautiful and you don’t even know it! Your smiling faces and HUGE hearts warmed up each page of this site in typical “best neighbors ever” fashion. Much love to you.

—Kelly Jandernoa

mother to Tommy, Samantha, and Audrey

lucky wife to Carl

mama to that funny looking dog, Georgia (aka Audrey’s best friend in the whole wide world)